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Fife’s Creative Learning Network

Fife’s Creative Learning Network (FCLN) brings together community representatives, key local and national cultural partners and education professionals to champion creativity.

FCLN Membership Profile includes:

  • Community Groups
  • Artists and Creative Practitioners
  • Fife based Arts/Cultural Organisations
  • Fife Council Representatives
  • Education Representatives
  • Further & Higher Education
  • National organisations

Each year funding is offered through the continued partnership between Education Scotland and Creative Scotland to support the Creative Learning Networks across Scotland and we have been successful again in securing monies to support the network for 2014/15. 

The focus for this funding period is enhancing the pathfinder work by the education service by creating a digital media hub in a Fife high school which would afford pupils the opportunity to learn and use creatively enhanced digital media skills that have relevance to the needs of the digital media workplace. 

The programme will also provide opportunities for staff to up skill as part of a professional learning partnership with further education colleagues and employers.  Partnership working with Fife Cultural Trust and Fife College will also provide a package of support for entry to the creative industries focusing on skills development, training and Modern Apprenticeships.